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Having written two historical biographies that read like a novel, it was time for me to write a novel that reads like history. This tale, which begins in the court of James I, takes a look at the myth of Shakespeare's involvement in the creation of the King James Bible. It's a murder mystery. Of a sort.  

—David Teems


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“Majestie is not some lone glittering star, but a living force, a capable and terrible force. Our new translation must reflect this Majestie above all things—glorious, incandescent, gorgeous Majestie. We must give back to God the highest and the best that is in our language and in ourselves. Majestie—solemn, terrible, imposing Majestie. Lucid, resplendent, express, consecrated. Like the waters that cover the sea, so this great metal must gild our reign. Do you mark me, William?”


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King James I of England / VI of Scotland is not pictured with the others, for it is improper for a king.  He does, however, maintain a continuous presence, here, and throughout the book. The players are listed as they appear in the image below, from left to right, top to bottom:


Henry Wriothesley: 2nd Earl of Southampton, once patron of Shakespeare

Robert Cecil: The Earl of Salisbury, First Minister of England, patron of Ben Jonson

Ben JonsonPlaywright and poet, so-called rival of Shakespeare

William ShakespeareThe Poet

Francis BaconLawyer, Attorney General of England, friend of Shakespeare

Robert Greene: Playwright, pamphleteer, university wit

Christopher MarlowePlaywright and poet

Anthony BaconStatesman, world traveler, friend to Shakespeare, brother to Francis

Simon FormanAstrologer, occultist

Michael Drayton: Warwickshire poet, friend of Shakespeare

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I Ridde My Soule of Thee at Laste [Audiobook, 2024]

is a production of BUDDING GROVE AUDIO

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FRANKLIN, TN • 37068

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