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May all that has been reduced to noise in you become music again.

—David Teems

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"Ray, brother, you are and will remain beautiful in me." Recorded only months before my brother's death.

If I have ever done anything right, if I have done anything of real worth it may be this recording I did for my brother, Ray, who was suffering stage 4 lung cancer at the time.  He listened to this often before he died. The message is simple. A challenge for most of us, it encourages you and me to say what needs to be said while there is time to say it. Eulogies are fine. Staring down at a gravesite and saying a few words is medication to us, but does little for the one who is absent. If you love someone, tell them while there is time, when words matter. —David


"Speak what we feel," the poet said, "not what we ought to say"

—William Shakespeare, King Lear 


David on National Geographic's ORIGINS. On the capture and martyrdom of William Tyndale.

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